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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Q: How will my child understand if he/she does not speak the second language?
A: We will make information meaningful through the use of visuals, objects, gestures and specialized instructional strategies. The advantage of having a classroom with both native English- and native Vietnamese-speakers is that they help each other understand, which also encourages social interaction. Children are not discouraged from speaking English or Vietnamese to communicate, but they are encouraged to speak the language of instruction during the time the content is being taught.


Q: Will learning a second language interfere with my child’s ability to learn basic reading, writing, and math skills?
A: No. National studies have shown that children in Dual Language programs, perform the same or better than their monolingual, English-speaking peers on achievement tests in math, reading and writing (Thomas & Collier, 2001). Research also shows that students who acquire advanced levels of proficiency in two languages often experience cognitive and linguistic advantages and perform better on tasks that require divergent thinking, pattern recognition, and problem solving.

Q: Does it matter if no one at home speaks the second language?
A: No. Continuous exposure to English at home is important. Read to your child daily and continue the literacy experiences you would naturally encourage. One of the advantages of this program is that students with strong L1 will learn faster L2 by transferring knowledge.  You may even notice your child beginning to read in English by using literacy skills learned in Vietnamese before formal English reading instruction is presented.

Q: How can I help my child with homework if I can’t understand the language?
A: Homework and school notices that are sent home are provided in English and in Vietnamese. We will communicate with you in the language you are comfortable with.

Q: How can English-speaking parents help their child succeed in the Dual Language Program?
A: Participate! One way is to provide continuous, quality exposure to English at home. Read with your child in English daily. Discuss what your child is learning in school. You can also participate by volunteering in your child’s classroom. You’ll have a better understanding of what happens in a Dual Language classroom as well as an opportunity to get to know other children and parents involved in the program.
Q: Will my child learn the same curriculum as mainstream English students?
A: Absolutely! Your child will be studying the same academic content. The standards and curriculum of the Dual Language Program are the same as for all students. The only difference is the language of instruction.

Q: After I fill out an enrollment form, is my child automatically in the dual language program?
A: No, the enrollment form gives us an authorization to evaluate your child’s eligibility. You will be notified of denial or acceptance.

Q: Does the evaluation guarantee placement in the Dual Language Program?
A: No, after dual language eligibility evaluation, you will be notified in writing of acceptance or denial.

For more information, please contact Ms. Thuy Nguyen             (512) 841-6096



p: (512) 841-4080

f: (512) 414-4251


Find us: 

Summitt Elementary

12207 Brigadoon Lane

Austin, TX 78727



@2014 by AISD Vietnamese Dual Language Program

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